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As a computer programmer, sometimes you may need to automatically create and edit PDF document. Here I present you a free PDF processing library (Spire.PDF) which just meets the need.


This library is very powerful and easy to use. Check the sample code below. Just three line of code, it creates a PDF document with one blank page. See, it is very easy. The method Add will just add a blank page into the PDF document.


After adding a blank page, you should add some content to the page. Unless a blank page is what you want. You can add text, image, shapes, barcode, table, grid and all other stuff you want to page of PDF document.

These are some methods that the library provides:


Add text to page.


Add image to page.

Class: PdfUnidimensionalBarcode

Draw(PdfPageBase page, PointF location);

Add barcode to page.

Class: PdfTable

Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));

Add table to page.

This library also supports watermark, encryption, digital signature, conversion to many file format, merge documents, split document, extracting text and image…. In a word, you can manipulate PDF files easily and flexibly using this library.

For example:

Encrypt the document:


Convert to XPS file:


Sample Code

In this part, I will give a demo showing how to use this library to create a very simple PDF document. If you find it difficult to understand the code, please check the above part.





This would help Developers if they are searching for any handy tool to reduce their work load .. 🙂

Happy Coding